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Open Book.

Indie, Hybrid, or Traditional


Level 46:


“The 3 Main Different Paths;


1. Indie.​

For this route you are going to need to choose a self-publishing book company such as Amazon, IngramSpark, or similar, and be prepared to do all of the self-marketing.


2. Hybrid.​

For this route you will need to write a query letter and synopsis, and be prepared to do some self-marketing.


3. Traditional.​

For this route you will also need to write a query letter and synopsis, and still be prepared to help out with marketing your works (through touring, book signings, and interviews for example).


Book Title & Subtitle


Level 47:


“The Titles;


1. Title Availability.​

Make sure before selecting a Title and/or Subtitle for your book that no book appears with the same name and genre when you Google and look up the Title and/or Subtitle.


2. Title & Subtitle.​

Keep in mind that a complicated Title and/or Subtitle can make it difficult for Readers to find or remember your book.


3. Kindle & Paperback

The Title &/or Subtitle for your book should be the same whether publishing as a Kindle &/or Paperback version.


Product Summary


Level 48:


“The Side Blurb;


1. What is this?​

The description of your book, used to market your work in summary form or as a blurb, is vital for capturing Reader interest and making sales. No spoilers should be given, but rather keywords and solid reviews to entice a Reader to want to purchase your product.




Level 49:


“The Right to Publish;


1. Copyrights.

When publishing your book, esp. when self-publishing, you need to make sure that you hold the rights to publish. For example, if you previously published your works online or with a publisher then your work may already be considered published and your contract may require a certain timeframe before you can self-publish.


Age of Audience


Level 50:


“Reader Safety;


1. Audience.

It is extremely important to be clear and transparent when publishing your book about the ages of the audience that will enjoy your work. Keep in mind that certain content might not be suitable for those persons under 18-years-old. Children should not be subjected to text and images unsuitable for their years, regardless of the author's personal beliefs.




Level 51:


“A Search & Find;


1. Content.

Carefully selected words and phrases can aid search results so that Readers can better find your written works. Try not to use those key-words that have already been used in your book's title as well as subtitle, product summary, blurb, and main genre(s).




Level 52:


“Product Promised;


1. Ordering Before Publishing.

Pre-Orders can be essential in raising awareness for your book before the book's official publishing release date. Pre-Orders promise a product will be available for Readers to consume on a given date. Trust between an Author & their Readers requires that this deadline and promise should be kept. Keep in mind that some platforms require one to three days before a published work becomes available online. If you intend for your book to be available on a Friday, for example, rather publish on Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest and announce the release date on Friday rather than publish on a Friday and have to delay the announcement to Sunday or Monday (depending on Time Zones).




Level 53:




1. Genres & Types.

It is vital to know the different genres your written work falls under and the type long before publishing. The category or genre could be Science Fiction, for example, and then more specifically a Space Opera or Steampunk sub-genre. The Type of book could be an anthology, novel, or novella for example.


Manuscript & Book Cover


Level 54:


“The Book & Its Jacket;


1. The Final Published Book Version.

Make sure to have a finalized manuscript saved as a Word Document and as a PDF. The formatting and total page number of the Word Document will be necessary in figuring out the Book Cover. A JPG file of your Book Cover is recommended for publishing.




Level 55:


“Robot Tools;


1. A.I. Generation.

You must specify if you have used Artificially Intelligent tools in the creation of your works, whether it was for your writing, art, or book cover.


The International Standard Book Number


Level 56:




1. Kindle & Paperback.

Do not place your Paperback's ISBN number on your Kindle version, whether on the cover or listed on the inside of the book. The Paperback's ISBN number is only meant to be used for your Paperback and the one specific Paperback assigned its personal specific number. An ISBN number used for one Paperback book should not be used again for another book regardless if the version is a Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover, or an Audiobook.


A very important heads up! If you are self-publishing exclusively with Amazon, for example, you may be assigned a free ISBN number. If at any point in time you wish to switch to going Wide with Amazon in the hopes

 of seeing your book in local bookstores, then it is extremely likely you will need to buy an ISBN number as the one used on Amazon might not be accepted in local bookstores. Also, if you are looking to self-publish your book Wide, either now or sometime in the future, then make sure you first check out the submission guidelines

 of bookstores such a Barnes & Noble. Some stores will require that you contact them before publishing your book.”


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